Discover job seeker tools that help get you hired.

Ready to make a meaningful change? Looking to earn more money? Here’s exciting news: businesses are returning, and opportunities are opening up! That means the job market is heating up. Great jobs are available, and employers are ready to hire. That makes now the perfect time to get back on
the job.

It’s time to go to work. Workforce Solutions Southeast Texas is here to help.

Think of us as your all-in-one-center for job postings, resources, and programs. Maybe you’re a bit rusty from being out of work. Maybe you lack training, have childcare needs, or are transportation challenged. Whatever the case, Workforce Solutions can help you overcome those difficulties that keep you from getting a job. It’s what we do. It’s why we’re here. Best of all, Workforce Solutions job-seeker services and resources are always FREE! So, what are you waiting for? Check them out below then let’s go find you a fantastic job.



This is a biggie. is the state’s most comprehensive online resource for job postings. You’ll also find résumé assistance, wage information, and much more. The WorkInTexas site requires registration and can be tricky to navigate. We help with that. We’ll not only get you signed up, but we’ll also help you find exactly the kind of job postings and career opportunities that
fit you best.


Job Fairs

Whether in-person or virtual, Workforce Solutions has all the latest job fair information to help you stay on top of new and exciting employment opportunities.


Career Exploration

The current job market is a great chance to upgrade skills and abilities to increase your earning potential. With our Career Exploration tools you can assess your current skill level, get career-path recommendations, and learn about high-growth/high-demand jobs. Need personal assistance? No problem. We also have Career Specialists on staff ready to help.


Education, training, and more

Whether you need your GED, job training, trade certification, or are interested in “earn while you learn” on-the-job training, Workforce Solutions offers a host of programs designed to help you shore up your knowledge and solidify your success.


Overcoming employment obstacles

Want to work but are hindered by special circumstances? Childcare and transportation programs are available, as are services to help the vision and hearing impaired. We also provide assistance for veterans, help with career planning for youths, and we work with students with disabilities. With Workforce Solutions in your corner, nothing can stop you!

If you want to get back to work, we’re here to help and the first step couldn’t be easier. Just go to the ultimate no-cost resource for job seekers – Workforce Solutions Southeast Texas.

Ready to get started? Explore this website for program details, contact information and more.